Thursday, February 08, 2018

Sunset over Myanmar from Ban Hin Chang

Later in the afternoon I went to the riverside part targeting and opening which offers the widest vista.

It was almost sunset and I wanted to enjoy the sight.

I found a parked (or is it moored) boat to get as close to the river without getting wet or soiled in mud.

Soon my enthusiasm was rewarded with a number of superb sights...

Exploring the riverside part of Ban Hin Chang

Closer to Ranong we found a village populated by Thai Malay Muslims.

It is called Ban Hin Chang. That is the Thai language for Kampung Batu Gajah, village of the elephant stone.

It is located besides a wide part of the Segenting Kra river.

There are houses built on stilts over mud and water...

But that is the riverside part of Ban Hin Chang.

There is also a part of the village located on a nearby hillside...

First view of the wide part of Segenting Kra river

After the area officially designated as the Kra Isthmus the main road started to veer away further and further from the Segenting Kra river. After some time we found a slip road going to Ranong while closing in back to the river. We followed it. Soon enough we could see the river and made a stop.

Here the river is very wide.

It looks like the sea but that's because it is over 4 km wide...

My kids followed for a closer look...

I must say it is quite a superb sight...

The river of Segenting Kra at Kra Isthmus

Journey was continued going south-westwards to Ranong. Next we stopped at a place designated as the Kra Isthmus.

This refers to the Segenting Kra, the narrowest area along the Malay Peninsular. Actually Kra Isthmus is the English word for Segenting Kra (Malay word).

The term itself actually covers some 70 km of land. There is the river of Segenting Kra which forms a natural border between the nations of Thailand and Myanmar/Burma.

But only this particular area is officially designated as the Kra Isthmus by the Thai government.

For this is where the road from Chumpon to Ranong is closest to the border.

Just across 100 metres or so is Myanmar...