Monday, April 02, 2018

Enter the Rusamilae Beach

Continuing from Looking for Patani's 'lands end'.

Satisfied with what I saw at 'land's end' I went out heading for Patani town centre.

That's when I found a road heading towards the Patani river mouth.

It then curved away from the river heading towards I didn't know where.

Still I decided to go on and found entry towards a place called the Rusamilae Beach.

As it turned out the beach is an extension of the 'land's end' I previously visited.

I could ger similar views of the sea and surrounding without the hassle of having to drive then walk down the narrow earthy road...

Looking for Patani's 'lands end'

Late in the afternoon I left the wife and kids at the hotel and decided to do some exploring alone.

According to Google Map there is a piece of land jutting out north of Patani town towards the sea. I wanted to have a look at it.

But my Internet connection was faulty. All I had was map with the position of my car on it. I have to decide how to get to where based on that.

Based on that and direction of the sun I decided to take this earthy narrow road...

After some time I found my family car just could not continue.

I decided to walk till the end of the road...

And so I arrived an some sort of land's end...

From there I could see another land's end, a long cape known to the Malay locals as Tanjung Budi across...

Then there's also the sun about to set...

Views from roof of the rural Pauh Bok mosque

Continuing from Going to Prince of Songkla University, Patani..

In the afternoon we went to Masjid (Mosque of) Tok Yang Sheikh Waliyullah Pauh Bok at a rural area of Patani as it has some historical significance.

Inside I saw this spiral staircase and decided to check it out...

It leads to the roof of the mosque.

So there I was looking at the surroundings of the village of Pauh Bok...

Going to Prince of Songkla University, Patani

At 7.20 we went out of the hotel to get to a certain location in Patani town.

To get there we practically moved straight westwards without having to make a single turn...

That's our location the Prince of Songkla University.

After having breakfast at the stalls outside the main gates we went in at almost 9am.

We stopped at a building where there is a class for Malay studies.

I was invited to deliver a lecture on Malay history and field researches....