Monday, April 16, 2018

Trying out the Ladang Bikam route to Teluk Intan

Peace be upon you all. Something from the recent weekend...

Friday afternoon 13th April 2018. Me and family left home to get to Yan, Kedah over 400 km away for a function. As we wanted to make a stop at Teluk Intan, Perak we took this route. It is a road from Sungkai on to a place called Ladang Bikam.

I don't know when this route was opened. It has to be quite recent as as far as I could remember it never showed on Google Map in my previous visits to Teluk Intan.

Previously one has to go a few kilometres northwards heading for Bidor before cutting into a road which then meets the Bidor-Teluk Intan trunk road.

Before that one has to go all the way to Bidor before heading to Teluk Intan. The route mentioned cuts the journey by 8 km.

This new route which meets the Bidor-Teluk Intan route at Ladang Bikam cuts the journey by another 8 km...

Actually I have contempleted using this route many many years ago. But it was then still largely a red earth and gravel route connecting places pass old tin mines...