Monday, June 11, 2018

Lubuk Manggis recreational area

Further downriver lies the Lubuk Manggis recreational area.

It should be the same river or at least connected to the one at Pangsun.

Whatever, at this juncture I could say this is the Langat river which extends about 100 km westwards to the Straits of Melaka...

Pangsun recreational area Hulu Langat

Peace be upon you all. Something from a few days ago.

Last Thursday and Friday I was at a rural part of Hulu Langat and made stops and a number of interesting place. One of it is the Pansoon or Pangsun recreational area.

There is a nice stream to take a dip at.

It's just I'm not sure is this the Pangsun river or is it the better known Langat river...