Monday, September 10, 2018

Prophet Adam and the Malays 60,000 Years Ago : Alignment of Time, Revealed Knowledge and Science

Peace be upon you. Five months ago I was asked to give a lecture at ISTAC (International Institute of Islamic Thought and Malay World), Kuala Lumpur regarding a time aligment calculation method I've made to reconcile history of mankind based on science to that based on revealed knowledge such as from the holy Al-Quran. The calculation and its implications have been explained and extended in my 11th book "Nabi Adam dan Orang Melayu 60,000 Tahun Lalu" and my 12th, "Benua Tua Melayu Sumber Peradaban Dunia", both officially published in March 2018.  While the books were written in Malay the lecture which used extracts from the books were conducted in English. Supporting it is a paperwork made in English which practically comprise selected translations from the books. 

Look at the article Syarahan "Prophet Adam and the Malays 60,000 Years Ago - Aligment of Time, Revealed Knowledge and Science" di ISTAC in the blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU to follow the lecture. PdF file of the paperwork have since been uploaded to an academic journal website for public consumption. But I soon found it is not as accessible as I wanted it to be.  The website seems to put certain conditions before the uploaded file could be accessed. 

In the original spirit of spreading the 'gospel' I've decided to convert the PdF to Jpg picture files. That way I could upload it to this blogspot making it accessible to all without any condition. Feel free to read and study it. Feel free to take extracts for your own writing and research. Just please do the honorable thing by giving due mention and citation. Open in new window or click at the pictures for better viewing.