Friday, December 14, 2018

Sunset from Phnom Krom

Continued from Going up Phnom Krom.

Behind the temple at the summit of Phnom Krom I saw people going down a certain path.

From its direction I can surmise where it leads to...

I was right. It leads to a hillside opening wide vistas somewhere towards the west...

But views  of the late afternoon sun was blocked by growth

.  I went back up and found another path.

Wide vistas opened up again with many sitting on the hillside staring at the horizon...

However it turned out facing to the south. The sun was again blocked but this time to my right.

Luckily I found another path leading to a part directly facing the sun...

Zoom up towards the south show the vastness of lake Tonle Sap.

Then I just sat with the family waiting for the sun to set...

Going up Phnom Krom

Late in the afternoon we headed again for the hill called Phnom Krom.

During the previous afternoon I went up to catch some views from up the hill (look at the article Views of Tonle Sap from Phnom Krom). This time the wife and kids followed.

If on the previous day I could only climb up to a certain point, this time I could take the family all the way to the summit while enjoying the views.

This is because foreigners are only allowed to go up if they have Angkor Wat passes.

The passes are needed as there is an ancient temple complex on the summit...

Catching sunrise at Angkor Wat

Peace be upon you all. Time to share stories from my second day in the recent Cambodia-Thailand trip...

Friday morning 23rd November 2018 me and family went out of our resort as early as 5.10 am local time.

We wanted to get to the place that is the main reason for our Cambodia-Thailand trip.

And we wanted to reach it before sunrise.

In order to get there we have to walk quite a distance including crossing a 180-metre wide body of water...

We have to take one of the gates which form a vast complex...

From the gates there was still a distance to get to the said place...

Welcome to the famous ancient building known as the Angkor Wat.

Built in the early 12th century AD it is said to be the largest religious complex on earth.

We wanted to catch sunrise over it...

For the record this is the 1,919th article in this blogspot.