Saturday, January 05, 2019

Takeo train station

After we're done at Phnom Da followed by visit to another ancient site at nearby Angkor Borei we returned to our guest house in Takeo . Upon finding out that there was still time to catch the train to Phnom Penh we immediately asked for a tuk tuk to Takeo train station.

We arrived in time to catch the train scheduled to leave at 12...

As it turned out the train would arrive 2 hours late...

We had ample time to idle around and view the going-ons including other trains passing by... 

Views from on top of Phnom Da

Behind the temple on top  of Phnom Da hill lies a rest area...

It sits close to an area opening up to wide vistas...

From there on can look down on the surroundings...

For the record this hill is the highest place for miles around...

Going up the hill of Phnom Da

At Phnom Da lies a hill with much historical significance.

Actually Phnom is Khmer language word for hill or mountain. Phnom Da simply means hill of Da...

We took the path to reach the hill...

Naturally we started to ascend...

Soon we could see the main object on top of the hill.

It is the temple of Phnom Da built in the 11th century over an old temple built  some  500 years earlier...

Boat ride from Takeo to Phnom Da

Peace be upon you. On to the 5th day of the Cambodia-Thailand trip 22 Nov-3 Dec 2018.

Monday morning 26th November 2018. After spending the night at a guest house in the small town of Takeo 75 km by road to the south of Phnom Penh we were ready for our next bout of adventure.

In Takeo lies an embarkation point to the ancient system of canals of the Funan empire.

The empire existed from 1st to 7nd century AD and the canal were built during that time.

So there we were on a boat ride through one of the canals...

Meanwhile you see wide bodies of water around.

But the wide waters can turn into swamps or lowlands during dry season.

The canals on the other hand are reliable ways of water transport all year round.

Our target is Angkor Borei and its surroundings, a capital of the empire of Funan.

It is situated more than 20 km east of Takeo...

Soon we entered a small canal...

We stopped first to visit a place called Phnom Da 3.5 km or so south of Angkor Borei...