Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Up Penang Hill and the superb views from up there

Peace be upon you. Entering stories for 4th and final day of the northern trip last week. Actually for this blogspot I would only present one story. So here goes...

Tuesday afternoon 26th March 2019. After visiting some old tombs and a complex dedicated to a famous Malaysian personality we headed for the foot of Penang Hill.

There is special train to get up to the summit. For the record the hill is over 800 metres high from sea level.

Actually that qualifies it to be call a mountain at least in terms of height over 600 metres,..

Never mind that. After waiting and queuing  for an hour we got on board the train...

Soon we arrived on top.

Situated at the height of 700 metres plus above sea level this viewing area is still short of the highest summit.

Still it gives some of the best views of the island of Pulau Pinang and its respective mainland...

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Bridge across Muda river on the old trunk road

After Sungai Petani we took the old trunk road and crossed this bridge.

It crosses the Muda river as we entered the state of Pulau Pinang...

Merbok river at Semeling revisited

From Yan we headed to Sungai Petani and took this bridge.

Situated at Semeling it crosses the Merbok river.

I thought these pictures taken while I was driving showed more than the ones I've shared in the article Merbok river from the Semeling bridge made 3 years ago.

The waterfall of Seri Perigi, Yan

The journey was continued to Yan. We took a turn leading to this place.

We have passed nearby the area a number of times before but this is the first time we ventured in.

The place is called Seri Perigi...

There is a waterfall but the water was small due to prolonged dry season.

Tok Pasai bridge at Kuala Kedah

Next we went to Kuala Muda where lies a bridge called the Tok Pasai bridge.

It is the bridge closest to the Kedah river mouth...

Exploring the big cave at Gunung Keriang

Peace be upon you. Entering stories for 3rd day of the recent northern trip...

After spending a night in Langgar, Alor Setar we went to a place called Gunung Keriang.

We reached the place just after noon Saturday 25th March 2019. Gunung Keriang is a big limestone hill 11 km north of Alor Setar.

Approaching the foothill we saw this structure.

It has a staircase leading a few storeys up.

From its top there is a bridge going to a part of Gunung Keriang.

So there we were climbing up the staircase and crossing the bridge...

Upon reaching the hill there is another staircase reaching to the mouth of a big cave...

This is followed by staircases going down into the cave...

So there we were exploring the cave until the end of the laid path...