Friday, October 11, 2019

Flight back from Aceh 4th September 2019

We arrived at the airport at 2.30 after making a detour for lunch.

Its time to leave Aceh after 8 days and 7 nights of travel. Our flight was scheduled to leave after 4.

There was some delay as we were only ushered into our flight at 4.28 or so.

There is a... I can't remember what you call that thing that could connect one directly to the plane entrance. But we had to walk outside to hasten boarding for those seated towards the rear end...

One for the album...

Enjoying the views around...

We took off close to 5 pm.

I got a window seat and got to enjoy views from the sky...

Touchdown at  around 7.15 local time...

Cutting from Teluk Lamreh to the airport

From the housing we went to a place called Teluk Lamreh to visit a certain tomb. From there we took this road which cuts to the airport.

If I remember correctly the last time I was here which was in 2017 there is no such road.

Interestingly it took us to high areas giving very interesting views of the surroundings...


'Jackie Chan' housing in Aceh

At noon we went to a housing area just outside of Banda Aceh to the east.

Locals said it was built by world-famous Hong Kong Chinese action movie star, Jackie Chan...

For the record the city of Banda Aceh was devastated when the big waves of the Tsunami of 26th December 2019 hit the shores of Aceh on to some distance inland.

More than 200,000 Acehnese were said to be killed, many houses and buildings practically flattened and destroyed.

After that more than 50 nations were involved in rebuilding Aceh. Some developed new housing areas by parcels.

These parts are said to be rebuilt by personal contribution from Jackie Chan.

This plaque however says it was an effort from 2 China-based associations.