Friday, January 10, 2020

Proper sunset at Aonang

We were back on the mainland by 3.45. After returning back to resort to wash and take some rest we went again to Aonang beach to catch the sunset.

This time we came in time...

I say this because in 2017 we tried to catch the sunset here but missed by a few minutes.


Nevertheless I made an article on that visit called Sunset at Ao Nang beach, Krabi.

But it was this time only we get to see an actual or proper sunset...

Stop 4 - Lunch and last stop at Poda Island

The next stop is an island just across from Tup Island.

But the actual stop is at a beach on the opposite face. So have to go halfway around the island first...

We arrived at around 1.40. However each time we stop it took more than 5 minutes for everyone to safely step down out of the boat.

Thank God there is no rush as we were told it's the final stop. We could stay for more than an hour...

Here we had lunch as part of the '4 island' tour package.

Oh. The name is Poda Island...

Stop 3 - Tup Island and the 2 islands connected at low tide

The snorkelling session lasted for half an hour. Time to move to another spot or stop...

It was a journey retracing back our steps towards Aonang beach up to a certain point.

At 12.47 we stopped off what is called the Tup Island. We were told it connects to another 2 islands at low tide.

Realising that water was rising I rushed to the furthest connected island.

It is actually the 'Chicken Island' where we did snorkeling somewhere behind the hills...

Note that the 'Chicken Head' is hidden from this angle somewhere behind the left hill.

On 'Chicken Island'...

Looking out towards the mainland of southern Thailand...

Walking back to the connected islands...

Checking out the one to the left (Thap Island or Ko Tap) before returning to Tup Island (Ko Tup) and the boat...

I was the last person to return. This picture was taken at 1.25.

Stop 2 - Snorkeling off Chicken Island

Upon returning to the boat at 11.15 we were given snorkelling gears.

But not everyone took it. Perhaps they didn't take nor paid this part of the package.

So it was obvious the next agenda was snorkelling while some watch. The question is where...

This was when we were taken furthest out to the sea...

By the time we stopped at what I gather is the western side of Chicken Island it was almost 12.

It is called Chicken Island because it has a sharp hill which looks like a chicken head.

However I forgot to take that picture of that. Time to concentrate on snorkelling...