Friday, January 24, 2020

Kelantan river from the royal jetty

Next stop is Tambatan D'Raja or the royal jetty.

In the article The Kelantan river near the royal jetty at Kota Bahru made 9 years ago I have shown views of the Kelantan river from a nearby area while the royal jetty was being rebuilt...

Morning walk around Kota Bahru

From the hotel I walked southwards along the Kelantan river on to these parts.

Then walked eastwards for a distance before heading back north...

On to an area which used to be the old centre of Kota Bahru...

Then on to the Muhammadi Mosque for rest and spiritual reflection

Morning view of Kelantan river from our hotel

Peace be upon you. Continuing with the 9th day of me and family's recent trip to southern Thailand. At this juncture we were heading back home via Peninsular Malaysia's East Coast.

Tuesday morning 24th December 2019. In previous set of articles I have shown our journey by train from Hatyai back to Malaysia via Sungai Kolok with a stop at Yala. And so we have left southern Thailand and then lodged at riverside hotel in Kota Bahru. Then I have shown views of Kelantan river from our room. But that was at dusk. Look at  Kelantan river from 5th floor of a riverside hotel

Here are morning views from the same room...

Going down to the riverside.

A look at the hotel...

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Kelantan river from 5th floor of a riverside hotel

Continuing from Walking across Sungai Kolok.

Late in the afternoon we reached the city of Kota Bahru in Kelantan and immediately headed for this part.

We got a room at a riverside hotel which offered some nice sights of the Kelantan river...

Walking across Sungai Kolok

Continuing from Train to Sungai Kolok.

From the train station we decided to walk to town.

Sungai Kolok is the Thai version of its name. The Malay locals and also Malays from Malaysia know it as Sungai Golok or simply Golok.

We had late lunch at a local stall...

Then we continued walking and sightseeing without going to the town centre. 

We covered parts northeast of the centre...

For we decided to walk all the way to the Thailand-Malaysia border...

After going through the Thai immigration complex we pressed on to its Malaysian counterpart...

To do this we must take the bridge across Golok river.

This is what gives Sungai Kolok or Sungai (river of) Golok its name.