Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Bringing the family to Victoria Bridge

OK. Something more recent after spending the last 3 months or so sharing compilations of old articles.

Monday 15th June. After spending a night at a friend's house in Kuala Kangsar we went to a rural village where lies the old railway bridge called the Victoria Bridge...

Built in 1897 it is no longer in use for railway as there is a modern bridge besides it taking over the function...

Still there is a  part of it which is still used by villagers to get to the other side and visa versa.

 Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists can use it making the bridge a nice tourist attraction.

Actually I have been here before twice in September 2019. Look at Perak river from Victoria Bridge.

But this is the first time I brought the wife and kids here.

Also exploring the bridge was the friend from Kuala Kangsar.

The kids after reaching the other end of the bridge. It was quite a pleasing little adventure for us all.