Friday, August 07, 2020

A brief excursion to Gunung Ledang

 Peace be upon you all. Presenting something more recent...

Last Saturday, 1st August 2020 me and family headed towards the mountain called Gunung Ledang from the town of Bukit Gambir.

We had spent the previous nights at my parents place in Muar, Johor. On the way back towards our own home to the north we decided to make a stop at the famous mountain and found this entrance...

Being originally a native of the district of Muar I have been to Gunung Ledang a number of times. But it has been some time since I've set foot anywhere around here. And this was the first time I used this particular route to get to the mountain.

What is interesting is how wide the vistas were around here.

As far as I could remember normally the views around were blocked by rows and rows of palm oil tree.

But this time it seems older palm oil trees have been cleared to make way for replanting...

For comparison look at how the tall old trees could obscure views as we got closer to the foot of the mountain.

Anyway we soon found out this route leads to the National Park here. However it was closed due to the MCO (Movement Control Order) to curb the spread of Covid-19 virus.

Otherwise one could climb up the 1,276-metres tall (from sea level) mountain from here...

Actually I took the route as I thought it could connect to another one leading to some waterfalls down the mountain. As it turned out it does not connect. So I had to return to the main road outside and proceed further to the north.

There. Entrance to the route I'm familiar with.

However we could only get to the car park. The rest of the route was closed due to the MCO. So no going to the waterfalls.

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

A quick look up of Bukit Gasing

Continuing from Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley from a condominium in Jalan Klang Lama.

In the afternoon we decided to check the hill called Bukit Gasing.

It's been many many years since we went up the hill. I took the route I remembered from those years.

This particular route leading to a Hindu temple used to be popular to visitors.

From here one could get broad views of the surroundings...

Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley from a condominium in Jalan Klang Lama

Continuing from First visit to the Kanching waterfalls in the MCO period.

That Saturday, 11th July 2020 we spent the night at a niece;s condominium in Jalan Klang Lama. The condo complex has an open garden area at its top floor. It gives wide views of the city of Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley.

For clearer views I went up again the following morning, Sunday 12th July...

Starting from eastward I turned bit by bit anti-clockwise and take pictures.

Here you can see the KL city centre towards the horizon.

Zooming in. However view of some iconic buildings are blocked by nearby buildings.

Here you can see the hill called Bukit Gasing which lies within the city of Petaling Jaya.

For the record parts of Jalan Klang Lama lies in KL, part in PJ. Our condo is within KL...

The next few pictures practically look to PJ...

For views of the south I went to the southern part of the open rooftop garden...

What lies ahead should be parts of Bukit Jalil which lies in KL.

Completing a round of views from the condo...

From these parts you could see the iconic twin towers of KLCC and surrounding tall buildings.

A look down north-east towards the PJ side shows parts of the Klang river.

First visit to the Kanching waterfalls in the MCO period

Continuing mood of writing from  First visit to Janda Baik in 2020.

Tuesday 7th July 2020. While waiting for the wife to conclude a certain business at a clinic in Rawang I brought the kids to a rather nearby nature recreational area.

Welcome to the Kanching recreational forest. It is well known for its series of waterfalls.

We were told since the MCO (Movement Control Order) to curb the spread of Covid-19 virus was implented on 18th March this is the second day the forest was reopened to the public.

There were not much visitors then as it was also a weekday.  So get to have some peaceful time with little interference from mankind...