Sunday, December 13, 2020

Views from a surau on top of a hill near the Selangor-Perak border

On to something much more recent...

Yesterday 12th November 2020 me and wife when to a private surau (praying hall) situated on top of a hill near Sungai Silesek in the sub-district of Ulu Bernam, Selangor.

This is near the Selangor-Perak border.

It is surrounded by many hills with plantations and green.

Next I went up the surau's highest floor to savour views from many angles.

Checking out the youngest son's regular adventure path

Peace be upon. It has been almost 3 months since this blogspot was updated. So let something be shared.

These pictures were taken more than 2 months ago. It shows one of my regular outdoor trails near and around my residence at Bandar Sungai Buaya, Rawang, Selangor.

Once in a while I would take the trail with my family. This time my wife wanted to practice yoga at a certain uphill part.

The kids followed for fun...

While my wife settled at a comfortable area I continued with the kids exploring other parts.

My youngest son, the one with the small backpack also regularly frequented these hills with his friends. I asked him to show his favourite trail going downhill to a far end...

It is a trail that I myself haven't explored. Its quite steep and challenging.

While I have climbed and went down many steep paths around I never expected my younger son to take this one as I knew an easier path nearby.

Never mind. It just goes to show like father like son.

I realised that after reaching the age of 40 which was 10 years ago I tend to look around for the easier path.

Before that I tend to soldier on acroos what's in front. I guess that's the case with my 8 year old-son. For the record his 11 year-old elder brother is not that adventurous and prefer the indoor more...
