Thursday, May 13, 2021

Waterfront at Sungai Haji Dorani

 Continuing from Sungai Haji Dorani river mouth.

Besides the river mouth is this set of chalets...

Slightly further ahead this interesting waterfront...

Sungai Haji Dorani river mouth

Continuing from  Fishermen boat jetty at Sungai Haji Dorani.

Sungai Haji Dorani means the river of Haji Dorani. This refers to a person of much repute, probably the founder or head settler of the place. Next I caught sight of this walkway. It leads to the mouth of the said river.

Fishermen boat jetty at Sungai Haji Dorani

After having seen the Bernam river from many places and angles its time to head home. The journey was continued southwards towards Kuala Selangor. Then I caught sight of what seemed to be an interested place and decided to venture closer.

There is this jetty filled with fishermen boat.

Later did I learnt the name of place and its surroundings is Sungai Haji Dorani.

For the record this is the 2,112nd article in this blogspot.

Bernam river about 600 metres from the river mouth

Moving further towards the river estuary we came across this complex...

A check with Google Map shows it is about 600 metres from the river mouth...

Further on is a mangrove swamp. There is no more path accessible by foot what more by motor vehicle. You must take a boat or wade through the swamp and forest to get any closer to the river mouth.


Bernam river at about 1.3 km from the estuary

Going much further downriver to get close to the estuary we soon reached this place with a jetty.

I don't know the name of the place...

Just that a check using Google Map shows it is about 1.3 km from the  estuary.

Bernam river a bit downriver from the waterfront

Continuing from  New visit to Sabak Bernam town waterfront.

A bit downriver, about 500 metres from the jetty and waterfront is this part of Bernam river.

I went here because a I was told there is the original site of a ruler of Bernam here which indicates there could be a centre of rule around...

New visit to Sabak Bernam town waterfront

 Continuing from Latest visit to the mysterious place called Lubuk Pusing.

After some time visiting places at and around Lubuk Pusing I went to the town of Sabak Bernam accompanied by a local.

Upon reaching town we went to this waterfront which used to be a  beautiful landmark...

Nearby lies a jetty facing the Bernam river...

Across is the village called Kampung Kota.

Looking around...