Sunday, November 28, 2021

A curious happening in Beruas

 Peace be you all. Something from a day trip made to Perak yesterday...

The day trip was started Saturday morning 27th November 2021 before 10 o'clock. It covered a number of places in the states of Selangor (on the way to Perak) and Perak of course including the old tomb complex known as the tombs of the kings of Beruas.

Beruas is an old kingdom which used to stand on its own 13th to 16th century before becoming part of Perak. Then came a very curious sight...

Just look at this head of a cow facing one of the tombstones. Did somebody made a Satanic ritual or sacrifice?

As it turned out it was just a calf whose head got stuck between the pillars. Me and friend then helped to get it unstuck. So there no more funny head peering onto the tombs...