Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Teluk Intan and Perak river from across jetty to Pulau Bangau

Continuing from Boat trip from jetty to Pulau Bangau.

Upon arriving at the other side me and my smallest kid climbed up to have a look around.

Then we went down back towards the Perak river as new passengers came in to take the boat. 

Across is the bustling town of Teluk Intan.

However big trees and growth at the riverbank obscure views of the town making it look there is just a village with a few houses...

Boat trip from jetty to Pulau Bangau

Continuing from  Jetty to Pulau Bangau, Teluk Intan.

We had lunch at a nearby restaurant. When we returned to our car we saw a boat about to go somewhere.

I asked and found out it is a ferry to get to the other side of the Perak river.

Anyone can take it for a small fee. So I decided to embark with the wife and kids.

Views as the boat wait for more passengers...

Views as me moved across...

Jetty to Pulau Bangau, Teluk Intan

Continuing from Perak river from Pasir Salak one fine morning.

From Pasir Salak we headed to the town of Teluk Intan and arrived at noon. After meeting the traditional territoral chief we went to the jetty to Pulau Bangau.

From here one can take a river cruise around the Perak river and get to the island called Pulau Bangau.

Checking out views of the river...

Perak river from Pasir Salak one fine morning

Peace be upon you. Going on to the 4th and final day of the recent Kedah and Perak trip.

Wednesday morning 23rd February 2022. After spending the night at the old mosque of Pasir Salak I had a look at the Perak river besides.

It was a fine morning with clear sky.

The Perak river looks beautiful and calm.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Foray to Kampung Raja Intan Suraya

Continuing from New visit to Tasik Raban.

Going on further towards Kuala Kangsar I then saw a road heading eastwards. Deciding on a whim I took it and followed it all the way leading to this place. 

A signboard points the area as Kampung (village of) Raja Intan Suraya. At the end of the village road lies the Perak river.

Across lies the recreational camp of Intan Suraya.

It is the first time I ever went to this part of Perak.

For the record it is the closest village to the Chenderoh dam gate.

That is dam which gave rise to many lakes around Lenggong and Kuala Kangsar. Refer back to these previous articles :-

New visit to Tasik Raban

Continuing from Part of the "Mini Amazon" closer to the Perak river.

From Lenggong we headed to Kuala Kangsar and made a stop at the lake called Tasik Raban.

I have been here many times before and have viewed the lake from a number locations and angles. Look at these articles for example :-

Still the last time I came here especially with the family should be around 4 years ago.

So it was refreshing to see it again after so many years...