Friday, July 01, 2022

The Batak Rabit jetty as the sun sets...

Continuing from Bidor river from the jetty of Lorong Masjid.

From Kampung Bahagia I rushed to Batak Rabit to have a look at the Muslim graveyard across the road from the mosque there. Then I went to this jetty beside the mosque facing the Perak river.

The sun was setting when I arrived.

So this was the last riverside visit for the day...

Bidor river from the jetty of Lorong Masjid

Continuing from The old railway bridge over the Bidor river.

Next, I crossed the Bidor river from another bridge and went to Kampung Bahagia. There I took the small road known as Lorong Masjid to its end where lies this jetty.

It lies exactly at the opposite end of an earlier jetty I've visited. Look at The Bidor River at the end of a tar road at Durian Sebatang.

So there I was going around to every part on which I could walk to take in the views from many angles. 

The old railway bridge over the Bidor river

Continuing from The Bidor River at the end of a tar road at Durian Sebatang.

Next I took another road to its logical end.

By logical end I mean the furthest that could be safely passed through by a car as it leads to a narrow bridge reserved for small vehicles and people.

This used to be the old railway bridge over the Bidor river.

The railway system in and around Teluk Intan has been disbanded many many years ago.

So the bridge was turned into a tarred path but only for motorcyclist, also for cyclist ands pedestrians...

The Bidor River at the end of a tar road at Durian Sebatang

Continuing from The official River Front of Teluk Intan.

Next, I went to a part of Teluk Intan called Durian Sebatang where I decided to follow a tar road to its end.

There lies a jetty facing the Bidor river.

For the record tit is the biggest tributary of the Perak river in Lower Perak.

This part is about 400-500 metres away from the Perak river.

Looking at its width the Bidor river could also be the biggest tributary of the Perak river in the whole state of Perak.

The official River Front of Teluk Intan

Peace be upon you all. On Monday till Wednesday I was in Perak to take care of some businesses. And so there are things to be shared beginning with this...

Monday afternoon 27th June 2022. After conducting a business at the Land Office in Teluk I went to this nearby place marked as the River Front of Teluk Intan.

It is situated besides a part of the town of Teluk Intan.

But there are many parts of Teluk Intan which is situated besides the river.

It is just this part seemed to be the only one marked as the River Front of Teluk Intan...

So you could say this is the town's official River Front, perhaps because it is the closest to the Land Office and some government buildings.