Friday, September 30, 2022

Looking for the paddy tourists attractions in Sekinchan

Peace be upon you. On to the 6th and last day of the Perak trip.

Thursday morning 22nd September 2022. After spending the night at an old mosque in Sungai Besar then spending some time for a quite solitude till the aftenoon I continued the journey by going southwards to Sekinchan.

I wanted to look around for the tourist attractions spots around paddy fields which I saw being featured in the social media.

While this is in the state of Selangor, in fact I spent the previous night in this state, it is still part of the Perak trip as I was here on my home from Perak.

So yes I could see, albeit from a far, some apparent tourist spots.

But the one that caught my eyes the most is this one...

Yes. I think this is one I saw on Facebook or something like that featuring things made for dried paddy stalks...

And yes, the 'nest'...

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Dusk at a regular part of Lumut waterfront

Continuing from Dinding river in front of the backpackers hostel in Lumut.

Next I went to this more downstream part of the Dinding river besides the town centre.

This is a regular place that often I visited, should be a regular place for most visitors too when in Lumut.

It was dusk and the views were simply superb.

Dinding river in front of the backpackers hostel in Lumut

Continuing from To the 'elephant stones' of Lumut.

Next they brought me to these backpackers hostel near the Lumut town centre.

It faces a slightly inland part of the Dinding river...

To the 'elephant stones' of Lumut

Continuing from Jetty of Telaga Nenas.

Next I went to a certain part of Lumut...

Some friends wanted to show me something around here...

So there we where walking on the shoreline...

It is not at the Dinding river but parts of the Straits of Melaka facing the island of Pangkor...

The friends wanted to some me some 'elephant stones'...

These are stones which looks like elephants in the water...

Jetty of Telaga Nenas

Continuing from River views from the floating mosque of Telaga Nenas.

Besides the floating mosque lies this jetty.

For a more open view of the surroundings, but not as comfortable as from the mosque, this is the place to go...

River views from the floating mosque of Telaga Nenas

Continuing from Towards the parts facing Beting Luas.

The exploration was continued by going further upriver but via a road on the other side of the Dinding river system where lies the village of Kampung Nenas and its new floating mosque.

It is situated besides the actual Dinding river, not besides a tributary as shown in the articles before this...

And the mosque has a nice verandah where one can savour the views and feel of the river...