Saturday, November 05, 2022

Views from the Kuantan 188 tower

Continuing from A brief look at the Kuantan waterfront.

A more recently built pride of Kuantan is this tower erected besides the waterfront.

It is knowns the Kuantan 188 tower before it is 188 metres high...

However that is the height to the very highest part of the tower...

The viewing gallery from which I took these pictures stood at the height of 92 metres from the tower's base...

A brief look at the Kuantan waterfront

Continuing from The public part of Pantai Pelindung.

Afternoon at almost 3 we went to city of Kuantan where I had a brief look at its waterfront...

It faces the Kuantan river...

It is a pride of Kuantan which has existed for many years. For the record this is the 2,288th article in this blogspot.

The public part of Pantai Pelindung

Continuing from The beach at Pantai Pelindung.

This section of the Pantai Pelindung could be said to be the public part.

Here you can find a number of restaurants and boats...

The beach at Pantai Pelindung

Peace be upon you. On to the last day of the recent Terengganu trip.

Monday morning 31st October 2022. Me, the wife and our youngest son walked to the beach of Pantai Pelindung in Kuantan.

We walked quite a distance from a friend's place where we spent the night at.

First we went to this secluded section...

Later we walked to this not so secluded parts...