Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Excursion to Sungai Dara

Continuing from Excursion to Sungai Bil.

Soon I saw another junction to a rural  road calling me to make another excursion.

The signboard outside says it leads to the trailhead of a mountain.

And so I found a nice river called Sungai Dara on the way...

Excursion to Sungai Bil

Continuing from Going deeper into Pos Bersih.

After Ulu Slim I headed to Hulu Behrang. Saw this signboard calling to make an excursion to Sungai Bil.

As it turned out there is a nice river here.

There are also waterfalls.

And so I decided to spend some time there...

Going deeper into Pos Bersih

Continuing from An excursion to Pos Tibang.

Going down further back towards Ulu Slim I then made another excursion. 

This time at Pos Bersih...

This is a deeper part of the Orang Asli village, a bit further inland from the part besides the main road...

An excursion to Pos Tibang

Continuing from The river at Sempoh.

I started the journey back down after 1 pm. After more than half hour wait for a landslide to be cleared I soon came close to Pulau Tibang.

But I decided to make 2 km excursion to a village which gave Pulau Tibang its name.

It is the Orang Asli village of Pos Tibang...