Saturday, January 07, 2023

Skyline of Trang

Peace be upon you. On the 3rd day of the recent Thailand trip...

Saturday 24th Disember 2022. I went to the rooftop my on my hotel right smack at the city of centre of Trang.

I want to survery the skyline...

So here it is from many different angles...

Thursday, January 05, 2023

Early new year lights in Trang

Continuing from Racing to Pak Bara beach.

We left Pak Bara at around 7.30 local time and went to the city of Trang over 100 km to the north.

We arrived almost 2 hours later and immediately checked-in into the hotel at city centre. Just a short walk away lies these lights in preparation for the coming new year...

The Thais don't celebrate Christmas. It was then still 8 days before the new year sets in.

So this is kind on a early preparation to usher in the new year...

Racing to Pak Bara beach

Continuing from Wide vistas at the Tammalang pier.

We left Tammalang at around 5.20 pm local time heading towards Pak Bara beach over 70 km away.

I was hoping we could still catch sunset in Pak Bara. We arrived about 10 minutes after that.

Yet we could still get superb views of the surroundings...

Here you could see the Taratou Island to the south west and parts of Langkawi Island behind it.

Next we found a nice spot to have dinner while enjoying the views..

Wide vistas at the Tammalang pier

Continuing from The heights of Wang Kelian.

After entering Thailand we headed for the town of Satun. From there we procedeed some 9-10 km to the south west to reach the Tammalang pier.

From here one can take ferry to the Malaysian island of Langkawi but only on certain days.

I was however more interested in the wide vistas available...

Oh. That is the Nakawan mountain range which extends from Perlis to the province of Satun.

The viewing point we visited earlier (see The heights of Wang Kelian) should be somewhere in the mountains to the left...

For the record this is the 2,323rd article in this blogspot.