Friday, January 13, 2023

Walking through Patani town centre

Continuing from Patani skyline from the hotel.

Around 1.30 pm local time we asked a hotel personnel to send us to the Patani central mosque his bike with carriage.

The mosque is located in Patani town centre. From there we walked around to have a feel of the town centre...

Patani skyline from the hotel

Peace be upon you all. On to the 6th day of the recent southern Thailand trip.

Early morning Tuesday 27th December 2022. I went up to the highest floor of the hotel where me and family have lodged in at the town of Patani.

It offers a good look of the Patani skyline...

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Patani river from a hotel besides it

Continuing from Views from Songkhla central mosque in Hatyai.

Late in the afternoon we arrived at the town of Patani and immediately checked-in to our hotel.

It is situated besides the Patani river.

So for the next two days we get to enjoy its calming views...

Views from Songkhla central mosque in Hatyai

Continuing from Quick drive through central Hatyai.

Next we went to the central mosque of the province of Songkhla which is situated a few kilometres outside the city of Hatyai.

From its stairs you can get nice views of the surrounding...

Quick drive through central Hatyai

On the 5th day of the recent Thailand trip...

Monday noon 26th December 2022. After spending the night at a hotel to the east we entered central Hatyai city.

We've been here a few times before...

So apart for lunch we only went in for a quick look and drive...

Monday, January 09, 2023

Klong Hae floating market after a recent flood

Continuing from Visit to Samila beach.

After Songkhla we headed to the city of Hatyai and immediately stopped at the Klong Hae floating market.

This part of Hatyai has recently suffered from flood.

Normally there are hawkers selling food and drinks on the boats  making Klong Hae a very famous floating market.

But because of the flood which only receded a few days before we came activities were restricted to the higher parts from the river leaving the boats empty for the moment...

Visit to Samila beach

Continuing from Passing through the island of Koh Yo.

Passing through the later city of Songkhla we immediately headed to Samila beach.

My wife wanted so much to make a visit...

So we spent some time here...

It is said the beach got its name from the Muslim verse Bismillah...

For the record this is the 2,332nd article in this blogspot.