Friday, March 17, 2023

Songkhla Day celebration at Songkhla town centre

Continuing from Walking through Songkhla old town with the family.

This is a view of the centre of the old city of Songkhla from our hotel. As it turned out there was some sort of celebration besides the old city wall.

We went down to have a look...

Then only did we found that this is the celebration of Songkhla Day, the day the old city was inaugurated some time in the 1830s or so...

Walking through Songkhla old town with the family

Continuing from Jumaat prayers at the oldest mosque in Songkhla.

After prayers we had lunch at a nearby stall then went to the nearby gate of old Songkhla town.

From there we walked through the old town...

It has a certain rustic charm that makes it feel like walking through the old section of the Melaka city in Malaysia...

While Melaka is situated besides the Straits of Melaka, Songkhla has a wide body of water which is actually the opening to a huge inland lake called Lake Songkhla...

Jumaat prayers at the oldest mosque in Songkhla

Continuing from Hatyai skyline from a hotel at Lee Garden.

From Hatyai we took a Grab car to the get to the town of Songkhla. After checking in into a hotel we immediately headed for this mosque.

Built sometime in the year 1830-1850 it is the oldest existing mosque in the province.

Thank God we made it in time to join the congregational Friday prayers there...

Hatyai skyline from a hotel at Lee Garden

Peace be upon you all. On to the second day of the recent southern Thailand trip.

Friday morning 10th March 2023 I went up the highest floor of the hotel where I lodged at in Hatyai.

From its location at the city centre one could have a fairly good look at the city skyline...

The nearby tall building seen here is the Lee Gardens Plaza Hotel...

The street seen down here is famous for its night market. 

Because of the Lee Gardens Plaza, it is generally known as the Lee Garden...