Friday, September 22, 2023

Bernam river from Hutan Melintang ferry stop

Continuing from The actual Beting Beras Basah 'calling'.

Later in the evening I went to Hutan Melintang where lies this ferry stop.

From here one could get good views of a wide part of the Bernam river.

This part is about 13 km from the river mouth (towards the middle of the picture).

The width is about 600 metres...

The actual Beting Beras Basah 'calling'

Continuing from Beting Beras Basah in daylight since years.

When I arrived it was drizzling.

Originally I just wanted to view the actual Beting Beras Basah from the jetty.

Then I felt it 'calling'.

I felt safe to walk to the end of the beach from the jetty where it meets the end of the long sandbar that forms the actual Beting Beras Basah. Otherwise it is dangerous as normally one would have to walk through long stretches of mud which could be deep at some places.

I have had that experience before of which I sunk up to my hips many times. Look at the following old articles of 2010...

That walk in 2010 was the first time I get to reach the actual Beting Beras Basah albeit dangerously. This time my feet didn't even sink an inch in mud anywhere on the way.

Last time, even on the sandbar which is considered safe enough my feet sunk about an inch for every step taken.

This time, the slightly scary part was just when I have to walk through a watery part to reach the main area of Beting Beras Basah.

It was scary as who knows how much I could sink in mud along the way.

As it turned out again I didn't even sink an inch. I was just walking on sand under water...

The flag pole marks the place that first Sultan of Perak had to step foot on when he first arrived from outside the state 500 years ago.

As such every Sultan of Perak must step foot on the same place in other to complete their coronation ceremony.

Looking around from that spot...

The spot was some 300 metres away from the nearest land...

Beting Beras Basah in daylight since years

Continuing from Perak river from the floating house at Pulau Misa Melayu.

That afternoon I went to the place called Beting Beras Basah in Bagan Datuk.

It is a place that has special significance in the history of the Perak Sultanate.

The last time I was here was at night towards the end of 2021. Look at the article Beting Beras Basah at night.

The last time I arrived in daytime was in the middle of 2015. 

So it has been many years since I saw the place in daylight.

Actually Beting Beras Basah refers to a long sandbar towards the middle of the Perak river mouth.

It could be seen during low tide and submerged at high tide.

The part from where these pictures were taken is actually the viewing jetty.

Yet it is often referred to as Beting Beras Basah. Or to be more specific, Beting Tepi (the side sandbar).

Perak river from the floating house at Pulau Misa Melayu

Peace be upon you. On the 5th and last day of the recent Perak trip.

Sunday morning 17th September 2023. Having spent the night at this place called Pulau Misa Melayu in Bota Kiri I then when around to savour the views.

Previously I have shown the views in the following articles :-

Now I want to take in the views from a floating house...

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Pressing on to the Tea Garden and slightly further

Continuing from On to Dataran JKR.

A check with Google Earth shows that the Dataran JKR is situated about 1,807 feet above sea level. Originally that was my target before deciding to press on.

Going my mileage alone, this picture taken at 11.34 shows I was already halfway up Bukit Larut.

My new target is the Tea Garden. It should be about 2,151 feet above sea level.

However I decided to go a bit more further.

At 11.56 I arrived at an area simply designated as the "Waterfall".

This should be close to 2,500 feet above sea level. After a short rest I decided this is enough for the day and started going downhill.