Thursday, November 23, 2023

Students exhibits at the English Festival of Kampung Sungai Buaya primary school

 Peace be upon you. Just a snippet of sorts from this morning.

Thursday morning 23rd November 2023. I attended the launching ceremony of the English Festival at my youngest son's school, the Kampung Sungai Buaya primary school in Rawang.

I understand it is the first time such a festival is held there. It is mainly to foster learning of the English language.

However it also involves teachers from other subjects.

What made me came was 3 days ago my son asked me and wife to help with his English class project.

He asked that we helped him construct a model of the Museum of the Future in Dubai. He said he also have to present about the museum in English.

Little did we knew then that he chose the subject matter himself. We thought everyone in his class had to do models of the same museum and then talk about it.

And when he said I should come to the school to  watch him present little that I thought there would be an exhibition at the school's main hall while models were made according to each student's own preference.

So was I surprised to find quite a range of models in display, very colourful, and creative too.

In turn the model that me and wife helped made seemed quite modest.

That's the one looking like an alien doughnut.

Anyway I found myself enjoying the sight of the exhibits...

I am sure, like my son, the other students also received help from their parents.

For the record this is the 2,464th article in this English blogspot of mine.

As of today I have also written 2,453 articles in my Malay blogspot (see CATATAN SI MERAH SILU) and 2,457 articles in the bilingual SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART)

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Stopping by at UPSI book fair 2023

Continuing from Batang Padang river near Chenderong Balai.

Thursday afternoon 16th November 2023. After spending the night at the family mosque in Batak Rabit, Teluk Intan I went to UPSI (Sultan Idris Teaching University) in Tanjung Malim for a book fair.

I have been to UPSI a number of times.

But this is the first time I went for its book fair.

 I was told that they have been organising yearly book fairs since 2003.

It's just I only recently heard about it...

Batang Padang river near Chenderong Balai

Continuing from Batang Padang river near Tapah Road.

Later I headed towards the small but larger town of Chenderong Balai and saw this bridge.

After crossing the bridge I made a stop to take a closer look.

It also crosses the Batang Padang river.

Tapah Road is some distance upriver.

Further downriver the Badang river enters the Bidor river.

Batang Padang river near Tapah Road

Peace be upon you all. Recently I've made another trip to Perak. Here is a bit of sharing...

The trip was started Tuesday at night 14th November 2023 when I drove towards Ipoh. The next day Wednesday afternoon 15th November, after all my business in Ipoh for the day was done, I headed for the small town of Tapah Road via a rural road after Kampar and Air Kuning.

This should be quite near to Tapah Road.

The bridge crosses the Batang Padang river...