Monday, April 08, 2024

Visiting the Segari turtle sanctuary for 2024

Peace be upon you. Continuing on things to be shared.

Saturday afternoon 6th April 2024 I visited the Segari turtle sanctuary.

I have been here quite a number of times.

This is the first time for the year 2024...

For the record this is the 2,488th article in this blogspot.

Sunday, April 07, 2024

Checking out the West Coast Highway from Taiping to Beruas

Continuing from Views from the British resident's place in Bukit Chandan.

In the afternoon I left Kuala Kangsar for Taiping. After spending some time there I decided to take the new highway to Beruas...

It is part of the West Coast Highway (WCE) connecting the town of Banting in Selangor on to Taiping in Perak.

However only some of the Selangor portions have been completed.

The Perak portion was fully completed when these parts connecting Taiping to Beruas were opened just about a month ago...

Views from the British resident's place in Bukit Chandan

Continuing from Anna and the King shooting location in Kuala Kangsar.

On a part of the hill called Bukit Chandan lies this building which used to be house of the British resident to Perak. It now houses the office and amenities of the girls' school, Sekolah Raja Perempuan Kelsom.

What interested me however is the fact that the building stood on the site of the house of 19th century Perak noblewoman named Che Mida. The famous British office Frank Swettenham wrote in his journal dated 15th February 1874 how from the grounds of the house he could see about 3 miles of the Perak river in convex curve and the Kangsar river joining it about 50 yards from where he was sitting.

I wanted to see if I could catch the sight from what could be surmised as the area around where Swettenham was sitting.

The Perak river was not in sight...

But I could clearly see the bridge crossing the river in between these trees.

So I suppose if the surroundings are clear enough, not blocked by trees and buildings one should be able to catch the sight described by Swettenham. That should be enough.

Anna and the King shooting location in Kuala Kangsar

 Peace be upon you. More things to be shared.

Friday 5th April 2024 I drove along the eastern banks of the Perak River across the royal town of Kuala Kangsar and caught sight of this signboard. It seems the 1999 Hollywood movie "Anna and the King" was shot around here.

Directly across the river is the hill called Bukit Chandan...

Partly seen in the middle of this picture are the towers and dome of the royal mosque, Masjid Ubudiyah.

Seen also the Perak Sultanate's main palace, the Istana Iskandariah.