Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Bastion Santiago... Is it really worth keeping?

While on the subject of remains and symbols of Western imperialism, let me just talk a bit on this remains uncovered quite recently, just a few years ago about 100 metres or so from the gates of the A Famosa...

This is the Bastion Santiago, a portion of an old fort discovered just a few years ago...

See... It does look quite nice. Reminds me of the castle walls in mid-town Canterbury and some parts of England. But that is in England where the Western castles do belong. Now we are talking about Western forts in the Malay lands which are symbols of the downfall of the Malays...

A plaque nearby explained some history about this particular Western remains. Actually I did took a nice picture of the plaque where the writing could be read properly hence the excerpts below. Too bad while highlighting and then cropping certain parts, I accidently saved the cropping on top of the original picture... I should have saved it with a different name... And so the picture of the plaque above had to be taken from parts of another picture...

Read this excerpts yourself. If you can't view it properly, then right-click and open it in another window.

Now, I have no problem if the authorities wants to keep this place as a historic monument eventhough it is a symbol of Western conquest. It does look good and to me, we could share it with others. What bothers me (and some others too) is how the authorities planned to spend millions of Ringgit to REBUILT the fort in the name of tourism! Good Lord... It is already an insult that so many Malay monuments of old have been destroyed to make way for Western forts on Malay lands, now you want to rebuilt it too? Why not rebuilt the whole or at least part of the old Malay city? Why build symbols of the Malay downfall...

Ah... I might as well get off the subject before my blood boils. So long!


  1. saya tak lihat begitu dan malah tidak bersetuju dengan pendapat yang tembok atau kota berkenaan milik portugis atau belanda. Saya musykil bagaimana sewaktu darurat ketika pahlawan melayu terutama Aceh melakukan penentangan demi penentangan masih sempat pulah nak bina kota yang begitu besar sekali meliputi keseluruhan banda hilir ( klu xsilap saya). Melainkan menambahbaik beberapa pintu gerbang untuk memberikan sentuhan eropah pada senibina kota Melaka itu lebih saya percaya.

  2. sebab itulah British beriya2 memberi upah kepada orang2 kampung ( orang kita jugak !) untuk menghapuskan / menghancurkan semua bahagian kota yang mana padanya terdapat ciri2 asli senibina tamadun Melayu yang Agung supaya yang tinggal nanti hanyalah pintu santiago milik portugis. ini semua propaganda untuk memperbodohkan bangsa Melayu itu sendiri agar nanti senang sejarah diputarbelitkan oleh mereka yang berkepentingan terutamanya mereka yang tidak mahu Islam itu bangkit daripada sebelah timur ini ( apabila melihat warisan ketamadunan Melayu yang melangkaui pemikiran semasa pada waktu itu, ini secara tidak langsung akan menyuntik semangat kepada anak bangsa kita untuk bangkit kembali dan seterusnya secara tidak langsung Islam akan bangun dari tidurnya yang panjang. ( umpama singa yang sedang tidur )...
