Saturday, March 15, 2008

Views from the ferry crossing Sungai (river of) Dinding...

Greetings dear readers. Last night I have shown you a certain patch of beach-side forest reserve (in the article A walk around Pasir Panjang... ), I have also shown how does the rather monstrous-looking Beruas tree looks like (in The origin of the name Beruas. ) and then I showed some rather graceful turtles in sight (in Ah... Meet the Ninja Turtles in Perak! )... Now let's a have a look at the views from a ferry crossing the Dinding river in Perak... Come...

First we board the ferry, actually a fishing boat converted for ferrying people across the river Dinding...

Soon enough it moves... A look at the Damar Laut jetty situated just across the town of Lumut...

The town of Lumut still at least a kilometer away... Or is it 3km? The river Dinding is rather wide around here...

A look at the mouth of the river and you can see Pangkor island, a popular tourists destination in the background.

The Damar Laut jetty as the boat approaches the middle of the river...

In sight is a medium-sized ship anchored in the middle of the river...

While most passengers sit tight inside, I prefer to sit outside to better savour the view.

The ferry as it approaches the ship... Apparently one of the passengers or a shipmate wanted to board this ferry to get to Lumut...

A view of the river estuary from the middle of the river... Behind the small hill on the right is the Damai Laut Swiss Resort.

Hmm... We already left the ship but yet the town of Lumut looks like it is still a kilometre away. So the river must be at least 2km wide...

The Lumut jetty getting closer...

Part of Lumut's riverside park...

At last, the ferry is about to engage the jetty...

And time to get off. That's all! :]

1 comment:

  1. Kg Tanjung Batu, Damar laut.. tempat saya membesar, dah lama tak ke sana.. masih ramai kaum keluarga yg ada disana.. bot yg saudara naik dari d.laut ke jeti tu turut dipandu bapa saudara saya (tapi tak pasti adakah dia yg memandu sewaktu saudara menaiki bot tersebut)

    Ada sedikit info mengenai kerajaan lama Beruas, kalau saudara ada kenalan di Taiping atau Beruas, carilah seorang bernama Pak Mat Nespi yg tinggal di Taiping. Ada kaitan darah dengan saya.
    Dia adalah pemegang amanah dan salasilah susur galur keturunan kerabat Beruas yg masih tinggal..

    Saya tak berkesempatan untuk membelek buku berkenaan kerana kekangan masa apatah lagi bertugas nun jauh ke selatan tanahair...
