Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Brunei mosque at Danau Tok Uban, again...

Here are the latest pictures of the Brunei mosque in Danau Tok Uban, taken on 3rd April 2008. If in the old pictures taken sometime middle of last year and featured in all my 3 blogspots showed the surface of the lake of Danau Tok Uban full of a kind of plant making it look more like a marsh or a swamp, my latest visit there showed Danau Tok Uban to be the impressive and scenic beautiful lake that it really is...

It's just too bad, the solitary white mosque there looks much more unkempt that in the last visit... The enigma still stands.. Why did the Sultan of Brunei built this mosque right in the middle of nowhere? And in my latest visit did I realise how far the mosque is from civilisation. Anyway, enjoy the pictures... Cheers! :]

1 comment:

  1. Ada kaitan antara Brunei dan Kelantan dahulukala. Dari segi Geography bagaimana sebuah Danau terbentuk? Dulu ada Empayar Chermin di situ.

    Patani Darussalam, Brunei 'juga' disebut Darussalam. Negeri Sejahtera.

    Di Istana KOta Lama ada terpamer salasilah yang mengandungi nama Tn Guru Nik Abdul Aziz.. diambil dari Brunei! Mereka menyimpan susur-galur itu.

