Friday, June 20, 2008

Remembering the "A" level college days some 20 years ago! Just to get the juices flowing...

A nice picture of the city of Shah Alam nabbed from the Internet...

Peace be upon you all. I'm actually in a rush as the time is past 9.30pm and I'm currently in Kampung Baru... I want to get to back to my auntie's place in Ampang by at the latest 10.30 but I must also make this posting to get things started and get a few things off my chest.

You see, I want to start a new series of writings based on what happened during my college days... That is while doing my "A" Levels 20 years ago in preparation for studies overseas, in England that is. But lately I haven't been feeling very well but yet I feel like I must let go of whatever little thoughts on the matter I can release to get the ball going.

OK. I'm in such a rush that right now I couldn't even remember where exactly in Shah Alam that I started the program... Under the PPP/ITM (preparatory college studies conducted by ITM now known as UiTM). Was it in Section 7? One thing I do remember, we started with one week or two weeks of orientation at the area right in front of the main entrance to the main ITM campus.

Whatever, I will try to get this sorted out in time as one main reason I wanted to do this series is to remember the things I've forgotten. Anyway there we were about 200 plus of us, students from all over Malaysia who did well in our SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) exams and thus was chosen to enter the "A" Levels programme starting 1988. I hope they would "accidently" stumble across this article and help me fill in the blanks!

OK. Got to let go of one more thing in the blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU before I can call it a day. Good night! :]


  1. bro...
    ppp section 17, dekat ngan bas stend shah alam....

  2. Hmm. Time tu tahun 1990 gitu tak da bas stand kecuali yang kecik ada le...

  3. skrg pun ader...masih kecik lagi...hehehe..
