Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tribute to a dear "friend", my old and cheap digital camera!

This is a picture of my Grandvision pocket digital camera bought almost 2 years ago at RM299 with a free 512Mb card in tow. It actually takes 3 Megapixel pictures with option to go up to 6 Mexapixel using interlacing technic or so. It has a 3 x or 4 x (sorry I forgot) digital zoom and very sensitive to light and movement... Meaning it can't take proper pictures under poor lighting conditions and when I snap, I have to make sure that the camera remains static in position for at least a second for the picture to look stable.

Still for the record, 99 per cent of the pictures shown in my blogspots were taken using this camera, the cheapest digital camera available then. And some of the pictures turned out quite well that it is adopted in some other websites and in fact used in certain mainstream magazines!

A week ago, I came across another digital camera, much more sopistichated... One that could take pictures under all conditions of lighting and without fear of movement disturbing the result too... Along with such neat features like face recognition and shadow replacement or something. But what made me actually bought it was because it has 5x optical zoom with a fair price which I could currently afford. The optical zoom coupled with the digital zoom option churns out an effective up to 28x zoom making me rather proud of my new acquisition!

Whatever, I made this posting to give tribute and let go of a dear 'friend', just like that done in the posting titled The computers which have shaped my life! made almost a week ago. I've done a sizeable writing on the matter in my Malay blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU and thus I thought I could do one here too, although not as long as I'm already exhausted for the day.

So now that this is done, I could rest in peace tonight knowing I've done my tribute for this old digital camera which also marks the end of an episode and the beginning of a new one. So good night ya... I'll write something soon enough when I feel like it. Cheers! :]

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