Friday, July 18, 2008

The Negeri Sembilan journey continued : Going down the slopes from the Tanjung Tuan lighthouse...

Continuing from The Negeri Sembilan journey continued : On to Tanjung Tuan... Simply put, what goes next is going down the slopes from the lighthouse as per the title above...

So this is the path we took...

Plenty of bushes... Then again what do you expect? We were in the jungle after all!

Soon enough we arrived at a check point cum viewing point. Tanjung Tuan is noted as a forest reserve often frequented by migratory birds and this is one of the point good for bird-watching...

It was a few yards after this point that we found the path splitting. We decided to take the one that leads the way to a certain place called Pulau Intan...

And so on we go...

Suddenly this tree came into view. Immediately I'm reminded of Petaling Street in Kuala Lumpur!

Another check point cum viewing point. We're not sure where the signboards were pointing to...

Thank God, the staircase and the steel railings are enough to show the way...

Oh my God! We bumped into 'bigfoot'! As if to mimick us, me in particular, the 'bigfoot' even had a 'rucksack' behind in brown camouflage! :]

Luckily it was a friendly 'bigfoot'. We managed to get away with our lives and continue the journey...

Soon enough we arrived at the coast. The story continues in the next posting. Cheers! :]

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