Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Exploring the happenings around the 1874 Pangkor Treaty in Perak...Pasir Salak historical complex

After we're done visiting the tomb of Si Puntum, it's time to enter the Pasir Salak historical complex, dedicated to the happenings around the killing of the first British Resident to Perak, J.W.W. Birch in 1875... A killing (or murder depending from which point of view you see things) which is actually a culmination of all the resentment the Malays felt over the colonising British following the Pangkor Treaty of 1874!

The complex which also serves as a resort has several buildings...

Among it is this watchtower said to be preserved from the British colonial days...

The whole area sits next to the Perak river...

This is the main museum. For a look at some of the displays, have a look at the article Galeri Keris (The Keris gallery in) Pasir Salak in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART)...

Here is a replica of the Rumah Kutai, an old Perak Malay house...

The idyllic riverside walk...

Another Rumah Kutai...

Here is a monument dedicated to the brave Perak Malays who dare oppose the colonial rule. It is mainly dedicated to the nobles Datuk Maharajalela, Datuk Sagor and their followers Pandak Endut and Si Puntum who were on the frontline taking the fight by killing Birch. As a result, they were all sentenced to death and summarily executed! For some story on them and other related figures have a look at the articles The main players of the Perak-British war as depicted at the fort of Ngah Ibrahim... and In Perak's royal mausoleum to give justice to Laksamana Raja Mahkota Muhammad Amin posted here half-a-year ago.

And this is a stone plaque set up to mark that Birch was killed around here, besides the river actually while taking a bath they said. Enough said...

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