Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Linggi river near Pengkalan Kempas

Peace be upon you all. Since the festive Muslim celebration of Aidilfitri in Malaysia is confirmed tomorrow let me make some postings here tu support a series of story-telling session in the Malay blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU ya. Here's one...

Two days ago, I slept beside a tomb on the sleepy 'cowboy' small town of Pengkalan Kempas in the state of Negeri Sembilan. Then I loitered around the town. Above is the river Linggi, one of the state's main river if not the foremost one. The river runs through Pengkalan Kempas...

A look at the river from a different angle...

The sleepy 'cowboy' town of Pengkalan Kempas. Seen here is a signboard pointing the way to the jetty besides the river...

The jetty and the car-park beside. The jetty serves a dual function... One for fishermen plying their trade along the Linggi river, another for the odd tourists to come and watch fireflies at night!

And that's my trusty big bike parked nearby. Taa daaa!!! :]


  1. salam...pekenalan..bro..nak jadikan cerita..go thru your blog sekali imbas last year nampak menarik..so add to favourite..tapi tak kesempatan nak baca..sehingga jumpa di kss..bought your cd & go to masjid india on the eve of deepavali..beli petualang ke acheh..allah maha kuasa...at kss the sales guys your friend said u have blog merahsilu..pernah dengar nii..i dunno about de ja vu..tapi itula ceritanyer...pengkalan kempas..bro go to kg lingsum dekat rantau ...ade masjid dan umah lama..serta kubur dulu depa kata masa pkm keluar hutan..pekan rantau dijaga oleh kiyai..so pkm nampak manusia 12 kaki tinggi menjaga rantau..bro nice having people like u..kudos..

  2. Wassalam. Thanks bro! I just realised this comment. Baru tadi tergerak nak go through some old articles. Cheers! :]
