Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A peculiar graveyard near Tampin

Continuing from Enjoying the waters at Gunung Datuk . I then when to Tampin. the town which lies on two states - Negeri Sembilan and Melaka. After spending sometime there, I took the road to Alor Gajah. That's when I saw the peculiar graveyard shown below...

This graveyard lies nearby the road...

Fairly big, at one look it looks just like any normal graveyard bar some old ancient-looking structures as seen in this picture...

It's when one looks at the centre that the peculiarity became obvious... There's a fenced area marking a graveyard within a graveyard with a huge peculiar looking tree inside!

You see, unlike normal graveyards, every grave within this fenced area is marked by upright unpaved stones, the type that looks like the famous megalithic stones peppering some parts of Negeri Sembilan...

I decided to get in...

The upright stones already looked peculiar enough... Another look at the tree and I could swear the tree itself looks like a special tomb with the two main branches jutting out and up looking like natural tombstones! Enough said...

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