Monday, October 20, 2008

A freak 'accident' at Sri Hartamas

Last Saturday night, October 18th, I decided to go for a drink at the bustling area of Sri Hartamas which has a number of 'happening' nightspots... I haven't stopped here for some time, so I wanted to look for a restaurant known as Uncle Don's which used to be a favourite haunt...

After going around for a while, I didn't find Uncle Don's. I did find the same spot but it has changed names. Instead I found a wrecked car, a Proton Wira if not mistaken, 'parked' upon the staircase leading to the restaurant!

I was totally perplexed. How could this have happened? How could anyone drive a car up the staircase and in reverse too?

By the time I arrived here, there were a few traffic policemen around. They were questioning some of the bystanders but strangely no one could provide a clear answer of what happened. Strange, as this area is bustling with people. How could no one noticed what really happened?

Just a few metres away lies this wrecked BMW which was soon carried up a pickup lorry ready to be ferried away to some garage. The story I managed to gather is that the driver of BMW was drunk... So somehow he rammed into the car causing it to go up the staircase of the restaurant.

Yes, that is possible but to make that happen, the BMW must have been driven at some speed. Which is also quite strange considering that the other car was actually parked just outside the curb while the road leading to the parking area is a small curved one which would limit speed.

Then it occured to me what could have actually happened. You see just 5-10 minutes earlier, I passed the same area on my bike as I looked for a place to drink (I then had Uncle Don's in mind but just couldn't find it). I noticed an agitated lot of people right there at what could have been the unfortunate other car's parking spot with one or two cars making plenty of noises honking continuously for God knows what reason.

What came to mind then was someone has been blocking other cars. And since these are youths we're dealing with, there's bound to be plenty of noise.

So this is my theory. There could have been an angry exchange of words between 'hotshot' youths. You could read it in the make-up of the car. It has accessories that shows the owner likes speed and likes to show off which is very common with youths coming from Kuala Lumpur's middle and upper class family.

The driver of the BMW could have been the son of some rich and important guy. He was drunk... hell, some of the youths around said he could have been on drugs... for whatever reason, somehow he was angry at the driver of the other car and lost his top. So he decided to shove the car out... or rather, up!

This is quite logical as I have been around. I used to know many from rich and well-connected families who think they owned the world and could do anything they want without suffering any consequence. It looks like, in order to show his 'power and virility', plus he was under the influence of something which shortcircuited his better judgement, this guy just rammed the other car without thinking that it could have hurt anyone, that's all.

1 comment:

  1. Base dok reti base...aku cukup anti ngan geng2 middle/upper class ni (kononnya makbapak dia punya dunia)...paling elok pakat katok je ramai2...mabuk ke...high ke...belakang cerita...nyussohkan orang ramai je...
