Thursday, December 25, 2008

New trip to the North - The Ubudiyah mosque and Perak royal mausoleum revisited...

OK. Among the places revisited in the recent trip to the North is the magnificent Ubudiyah mosque on top Bukit (hill of) Chandan in the Perak royal town of Kuala Kangsar...

For a bit of history of the mosque, open the above picture in another window...

A look inside the mosque...

One of the hall arches...

Just in front the mosque is the Perak royal mausoleum...

From the right side of the mosque one could see this section of the royal mausoleum housing tombs belonging to close kith and kins of Perak's 26th ruler, Sultan Abdullah, the sultan who was exiled by the British for his involvement in the killing of their first resident to Perak, J.W.W. Birch in 1875...

But first, have a look again at the mosque from an interesting angle...

Now, a look at the both the mosque and the royal mausoleum from it's furthest left-hand corner. For the record, in this section of the mausoleum lies the tombs of the closest kith and kins of Raja Muda Musa ibni (son of) Sultan Ja'afar, Sultan Abdullah's younger brother.

Closer to the mosque, just about 6 metres away from the tomb of Sultan Abdullah lies the tomb of my great-great-great grandfather (I'm a fifth generation descendant) Laksamana Raja Mahkota (royal admiral) Muhammad Amin. For the record, he is a cousin of the sultan.

The last time I visited this tomb earlier this year there was no fencing.

Now, it's not only properly fenced, there's also an information board telling a bit of his involvement in the killing of Birch and how he was also exiled along with the sultan, to the Seychelles islands in Africa 1877. Unlike the sultan though who got to return to Perak later, he was then exiled to Singapore and died there in 1905. Thank God, his body was returned to Perak in 2006 in full ceremony.

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