Friday, December 05, 2008

What's on December 11th?

Peace be upon you all. Today after the Jumaat prayers I went to the Galaxy shopping centre in Ampang. I went to the cinema lobby just to have a look at the latest offerings when I saw this poster saying "11.12.08 is the day the earth stood still"! What the... ?

OK. I do know that the poster actually refers to an upcoming movie titled "The day the earth stood still" starring the actor Keanu Reeves. And the date which is December 11th actually refers to next Thursday when the movie would be released for public showing. It's just the date also have some significance to me. But I can't tell you yet what's it all about. Not now...

Whatever, it makes me want to break the silence imposed on my blogspots since I achieved a certain number of postings over the last one week or so. Strangely, on the the other side of the cinema lobby, there's a smaller poster promoting the same movie except with this difference... it says, "12.12.08 is the day the earth stood still". Again, what the... ?

Oh, by the way. To all Muslim readers, happy Aidil Adha this Monday. Cheers! :]

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