Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Enjoying the waters at Pantai Irama, Bachok... with the family!

As promised, continuing from the article A brief stop at the Tok Bali beach in Kelantan...

Along the main road at Pantai Irama (literally translated as the rythmic beach) in Bachok, Kelantan there's this stall...

At the side of the stall there's this opening leading to the beach...

Ah... my son and daughter (actually stepchildren) posing at the opening...

And that's the daughter posing with the mum at the stall...

One more pose with me @ daddy...

Then it's time to leave for the beach...

A look back at the said opening, the opening with an interesting wooden bridge...

The bridge crosses this small river which leads to the sea...

And that's the small motel besides the stall. For the record, that's the place we decided to stay at.

At first we really wanted to bring the kids to Tok Bali but that would have been another 20km down the road. You see, we fetched the kids at their uncle's place closer to Kota Bahru. That's when we learned they have to be enrolled in their new school by 7.30 am the next day. So it's better to stay in Bachok as it's much closer...

As we headed towards the beach there looms this ferris wheel, probably a left-over from a recently held funfair.

Without much further ado, it's time to play at the beach...

Although the waves were very strong with few people daring to get close to the sea, I've tested the waters up to a certain level and kept watch from a distance. Why, I just couldn't resist going in up to some 100 feet into the sea. Not that I'm a good swimmer... I just walked into the water as the depth was still within reach of my feet. But still one have to tread very carefully as the waves were strong enough to pull you out into open sea. Seeing that I've made it safe, that's when a few others decide to test the waters themselves...

For those who wants to a take a dip with guaranteed safety without any fear, there's at least this small river opening into the sea, the same river which we crossed to get to the beach.

That's where me and the kids decided to play next. At least here I can rest assured they could not be pulled into the sea...

Soon enough the place was crawling with kids. Everyone had a superb time. That's all! :]