Monday, January 12, 2009

Taking in the catch at Kuala Selangor

Peace be upon you all. Yesterday, I took my wife for a casual trip around Kuala Selangor. As usual, I feel like taking pictures and here I'd like to share some starting with these... come! :]

We arrived at Kuala Selangor after 5 pm and haven't had lunch after spending a rather lazy Sunday at home. I wanted to eat at a place closest to river and came across this small stall nearby the bridge. As it turned out, the stall was the only one nearest to a small jetty where the locals landed the day's catch.

My wife became rather excited when she saw some guys coming in with a rather big ray. This one weighs 8.5 kg or so...

And there's a few other rays of such size around!

Time to take a look around the jetty.

A look to the back and that's the stall I had my late lunch at, to the right...

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