Thursday, January 22, 2009

With the family at Danau Tok Uban, Kelantan

Greetings all. I've been to the Danau Tok Uban freshwater man-made lake in Kelantan a number of times but mainly on my own. However in my latest trip to the East Coast more than 2 weeks ago, I finally went there with the family. So here are some pictures for posterity...

This is part of Danau Tok Uban from a different angle...

And this is my wife and the kids...

What happened was we wanted to get to the main recreational area off a cape at the lake. But after taking the small twisting road there for some 7 km or so, it turned out the rest of the route was flooded just another 500 metres or so from the recreational area.

We almost had to get out empty-handed. Luckily we found another spot nearby outside which could offer a similar superb view if not better!

We got the view off some locals' land. But we have to walk bare-footed into parts of the lake so that we could have a clear look at the white mosque across which is a main landmark...

At first the kids did not want to step in, worried that there might be something lurking in the waters. Soon they found out it was a very interesting and refreshing experience. That's all...


  1. Mmg pun Perpatih...kenangan yg indah..Sorry le ..tak sompek laie nk gi umah tengok baby baru..nnti-nnti kami drop by k :)

    p/s: kirim salam pada wife yea.. :)

  2. salamssss .. .. ehem ehemmmm .. .. mmg menarik sekali .. .. mesti best kan dapat jejak dan rasa air dan tanahnya .. .. ahah .. ..

    have a gud glory memory .. .. wsalamssss .. ..

