Thursday, February 05, 2009

A look at the Sungai Selangor dam and catchment

And now, time to share some pictures from last weekend's trip... God, I just can't stop travelling around even when I'm married again. Just not yet...

I was going to Fraser's Hill from Kuala Kubu and passed the Sungai (river of) Selangor dam...

At first I taught I just want to go on but after a while passing through the road which follows the man-made lake or catchment area, I just have to take pictures...

So there I was snapping these lot...

If I remember correctly, the last time I went pass this area was some 2 years ago. I think it was on the way down Fraser's Hill via a small bus which is actually a remnant of Kuala Lumpur's minibuses, famous for 'terrorising' the city roads in the 80s. Back then (I mean not the 80s ya...), I used a cheap digital camera which tends to get blurry pictures if snapped while moving. And there's no way I could ask the driver to stop just for me to snap pictures.
Last weekend was probably the first time I ever passed this area on private wheels. So might as well take some pictures at least to share with you, dear readers!

And here's the part of the road where I stopped at. Next... at the foot of Fraser's Hill...

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