Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The mouth of the Lipis river... the place where Kuala Lipis began

You could consider this a continuation of the article Views from above the Karak highway . So we arrived in Raub and spent the night there. But we didn't take the old road all the way there... I was just to tired driving up the small road so we decided to enter the highway at Genting Sempah.

The reason I went to Raub was so that me and wife can enjoy a local cuisine before we head for Jengka, our real destination in this trip. A cousin was getting married Saturday night but since we started from Raub after lunch, there should be enough time to visit a few places en-route.

That's when we decided to stop at Kuala Lipis, a rather quaint town which I'm quite fond of. Only this time, I felt an overwhelming desire to look at the mouth of the Lipis river which I'm not sure I've ever had a look at before. After all that's how Kuala Lipis got its name... Lipis is the name of the river, Kuala is the mouth...

Luckily there's a new part of town which is situated on top a hill next to the Jelai river, the main Pahang river which cuts across the region. From there we managed to have a good look at the Lipis rivermouth which is halway between the centre and the left part of the above picture. The river flows out into the Jelai river while Jelai flows out into the Pahang river.

Realising that there's a clear metal bridge across it for railways, then for sure I've been at the river mouth as I've been on the train pass this route a few times. It's just then perhaps I wasn't looking. Never mind... now I can say for sure where is the Lipis river mouth and I've seen it with my own eyes.

While I'm at it, here's a view to the right and the old Kuala Lipis town in sight...

A view directly across the Jelai river shows an old colonial building which I think is the rest house...

Later, we walked down the old town. We were heading for the railway station when I decided to snapped this picture with the main mosque in sight...

We arrived at the station just in time to see a train stopped...

God, I'm always astounded at the sight of people boarding and taking off the train. What a sentimental guy hehe... :]

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