Monday, March 30, 2009

A visit to Gua (cave of) Kota Gelanggi - Gua Balai and out...

Continued from A visit to Gua (cave of) Kota Gelanggi - enter Gua Tongkat...

Back to the spot some 2 km from the entrance...

As it turned out, there's 11 different caves within the Gua Kota Gelanggi complex while we had time to visit only those easily accesible from the stony path...

We had a look at these parts of the complex. There's some youngsters practising absailing...

Oh, these parts are called Gua Balai... which literally means the cave of the hall...

As the way in and up looks not so hard, we decided to make a climb...

Here's a look inside... roomy enough to set a quite a number of tents...

Another part with a small opening...

A look at the entrance from inside.

We then immediately head out. Actually theres another cave between Gua Balai and Gua Tongkat but it looks like the way inside is much harder to climb. Besides the people who took us on their van had to leave while we ourselves still have to attend another part of the wedding in Jengka by noon. That's all! :]

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