Friday, May 22, 2009

The new mangrove walk at Tanjung Ketapang, Muar

Last weekend I returned to my native town of Muar, Johor. While visiting the recreational area of Tanjung Ketapang at the southern tip of the Muar river mouth, I came across this...

This is the new mangrove walk made from concrete to replace a wooden one 100 metres to the left which have long been destroyed by the elements. The last time I returned to Muar half a year ago, there were only a few piles of sand here. Now this walk looked rather complete.

So I decided to take a walk...

There's even a nice concrete hut around...

This mangrove swamp area is famous for its high population of roaming wild monkeys. You could see more during feeding time...

The swamp itself is something to look at. A walk like this provides many interesting angles as you can go deep inside the mangrove swamp...

I like this view as we head towards the sea...

There, another look at the same view...

Then let's go towards the end...

For the first time ever in my almost 39 years of life, about half of it growing up in Muar, I saw the waters around from this part of the area. For the record, this is the straits of Melaka just outside the Muar river. I've never ever been this far across the swamp before... thanks to the new walk which extends far beyond the old wooden walk.

And here's a view looking inland. Good night! :]

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