Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Perak river from Hujung Rintis...

OK. Here I just like to share a few pictures taken in the evening of Sunday 19th July, the following day after I went to the parts of Bernam river shown in the article Looking for the Selangor-Perak connection along the Bernam river...

This is part of the Perak river near the jetty at a place called Hujung Rintis...

There are regular ferry services to get one from here across the river to a place called Sungai Dulang if I remember correctly, nearer to the small town and district of Bagan Datoh...

I remember this place as more than 2 years ago, I went here for the first time and took a ferry across...

Some 4 km northern-wards of Hujung Rintis, closer to the part of Perak known as Kota Setia there is a river opening up to the Perak river. They say there used to be ferry services from here directly to Bagan Datoh but it is now dysfunctional...

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