Wednesday, August 26, 2009

From Pekan Saree down to Sumatra's east coast...

This should be the 363 rd article in this blogspot. Continued from The journey to Pekan Saree, a hillside small town of Aceh...

After coffee, it's time to leave Pekan Saree...

The winding journey eastwards took us down the slopes of Mount Seulewah Agam...

I can't remember what the gates stand for. After all I'm writing here directly using whatever little memory I could still retain and retrieve on the spot from a journey made more than 2 months ago. Anyway, I do believe we are entering another district of Aceh.

Soon we could see the lands down the slopes...

This means we are getting nearer the flatlands of the east coast, the east coast of the island of Sumatra that is.

Journey can be slow at times with obstacles such as this...

And this is 'compounded' by little stops made such as at this place to buy bananas and other fruits.

Anyway we are soon out of the slopes...

From here, the land is rather flat for miles on...

OK. I really can't remember the name of the places we went through neither could I find the words to describe every picture. After all, if I count right, I have allocated 30 pictures for this article. So let the pictures tell it's own story ya. After all they said a picture paints a thousand words or so. I'll only fill in when I feel like it ya...

Entering the town of Sigli if I'm not mistaken...

Hmm... a mosque using original Malay architecture with three-tiered roof...

This should speak for itself...

Oh. I remember this. We stopped on the roadside because Kak Ann wanted some sirih or betel leaves. Apparently she likes to chew...

The journey continues...

OK. At this juncture we are facing a range of mountains which have something very interesting near the top. I'm told that behind the summits seen in the horizon lies the vast freshwater lake known as Danau Laut Tawar along with a city called Takengon, its surface at more than 4,000 feet above sea level. Do have a look at the aerial pictures shown in the article The flight to Aceh...

The flat parts consist mainly of padi or rice fields...

Here, we are leaving the district of Pidie and entering another called Pidie Jaya. Actually it used to be one district before broken into two...

The town called Meureudu. Or is it considered a city albeit a small one?

Here we are going along the outer parts of the main range...

Soon we are approaching the sea, or rather the straits of Melaka... meaning we have arrived at the coastal part, the east coast of Sumatra.

Hmm. If I remember correctly, this place is in PadangTiji...

Then I saw this interesting mosque. I just have to ask the convoy to stop so I could take some pictures. I will put it in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART)...

1 comment:

  1. Just a reminder for myself. PadangTiji lies 10 km or so west of Sigli. So that place I pointed as being in PadangTiji in the pictures is actual tens of miles away to the south-east as we were already heading south-wards following the coast...
