Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The mysterious-looking Bukit Kluang in Kuala Besut, Terengganu

Continued from To Masjid Abidin, the white mosque with the kids...

After visiting a few more places in Kuala Terengganu we then head to Kuala Besut using the coastal route. That's when I felt like having a look again at Bukit Kluang, a rather mysterious looking hill en-route to Kuala Besut, about 100 km or so north of KT...

Since we left KT after 5 pm, we could only arrive here at dusk...

This is much better than the first time me and wife got here in January. Then, we arrived at 8 pm, also after visiting a number of places in KT but without spending the night there. The rather spooky atmosphere made my wife scared as she continously urged me to turn back. Furthermore parts of the road were inundated with water. It was actually flooding at some parts of Terengganu and Kelantan.
Still I pressed on out of wonder also curiosity. I only turned back at the end of the road of which I couldn't properly see because of the darkness. In this visit only I could make out what lies ahead... at this juncture a lot of sand and this river...

The river opens into the sea as we lie near the estuary. Another hill looms on the other side to complete the picture...

There's a rather pleasant beach with a good view of a major island off Terengganu, albeit the existence of strong tingling feeling that we were being watched by some invisible beings!

I decided to walk further up the beach...

It seems Bukit Kluang is built of limestones...

The hill stretches a few kilometres up north. Afterwards we went to the other end by turning back into the connecting road. That's when I saw seaside caves which made the hill more mysterious... and I had a long deja vu, having seen exactly what has transpired in the same low lighting after dusk. But that I would only feature in my Malay blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU . Have a look there later...

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