Friday, January 15, 2010

Desaru from one of its best resort

After Singapura we went to the Johor district of Kota Tinggi to spend the night at one of the best hotel resort in the beach of Desaru...

While the facilities here are superb we don't have much time to enjoy it as there were still other places to go...

So apart from the little sleep we got, breakfast and lunch we only have time for a quick look about...

Oh, we stayed at one of the rooms at the top floor up there...

Here's a view of the beach...

Desaru offers miles and miles of white sand. The last time I was here was when I made a solo biking trip across Peninsular Malaysia at the end of 1997...

I can't remember if I took a dip then. If not, then the last time I've ever immersed myself in these waters was probably sometime in the 1980s. So there... if not because of the time constriction, I would definitely take a dip even though the waves were pretty strong.

What could I say? Thank God at least the view was worth the while...

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